Tickets: Advance $20, At-the-door $25 **Little City Cider Co., 139 Shields Drive, Bennington, Vermont** Doors…
The Vermont Arts Exchange Presents Village School of North Bennington Student Art Show at the Brown Cow Cafe

Vermont Arts Exchange (VAE) is happy to announce the Second Annual Village School Art Exhibit at the Brown Cow Café at 139 Main Street in Bennington, Vermont. A special reception will be held on Thursday, April 6th from 5:30-7:00pm with refreshments and limited café service available. The exhibit will be on display for several weeks during regular business hours.
In its first year of serving the students in pre-school through grade six at the Village School of North Bennington, Vermont Arts Exchange is excited to publicly show the student work in a variety of media. The art team consists of three VAE artist-teachers (Gabrielle Rynes, Charlotte Lyons and Kristen Blaker), two assistants (India Abbott and Katrina Hastings), and several interns from Bennington College. The large team allows for one on one work in classrooms with large numbers of students, high productivity with unusual materials, and the ability to use art to enhance lessons completed in the regular classroom. The work in this year’s exhibit includes printmaking, painting, sculpture, woodworking and a few group projects.
For Brown Cow Café hours, call 802-681-7489 or find them on Facebook. For more information on VAE summer camps and programs, visit our website at